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Looking Out, Looking In
Paintings by Nicole Reader

November 2022

Orinda Library Art Gallery

26 Orinda Way

Orinda, CA 94563

White Window

In this solo show, the artist exhibits 13 paintings of contemplative people turning their eyes elsewhere.
The figures in these paintings are focused on their own environment, whether internal or external, rather than acknowledging the gaze of the viewer.
Some are perched on literal overlooks, dramatic landscapes opening up before them; others barely look off the edge of the canvas, vision turned inward.


Even when they are in action – as they walk, sing, row, or listen to a story – the people here appear introspective, lost in their own thoughts and emotions. 


Although most of these paintings are of a single person, in each the artist has used a distinctive light source to interact with the figure. Serving almost as an additional character, the expressive lighting helps create atmosphere and mood.

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